Marketing for Scientists

Category: Blogging

  • Cool Worlds: Birth of a Science Vlog

    Just as the pundits predicted, video is taking over the internet.  Youtube has now become the second most popular site on the internet, beating out Facebook.  And with the rise of video, science video blogs (vlogs) are taking off everywhere.  There are the big budget science vlogs by TED and Google, and popular lone wolf…

  • Building a Professional-Looking Website Using WordPress

    Dear Scientists, You are probably tired of hearing me rant about the importance of building a research website; we scientists need them to help develop our brands and build relationships with our colleagues and other potential customers.  However, several of my colleagues have told me they wished they had websites, but they are daunted by the…

  • Interview with USA Today’s Dan Vergano: We Don’t Sell Thinking Lessons

    Dear Scientists, Thank you for all your comments on the Marketing for Scientists Facebook group about press embargoes and their effect on scientists. Today I was lucky to get Dan Vergano from USA Today on the horn to hear his take on the matter–and get his pointed comments on the tumultuous state of science and science reporting. Before he…

  • I’m Not Going to Honor That Embargo: An Interview with Jim Austin, Editor of Science Careers

    Scientists, Science Careers at Science Magazine is one organization that we seem to quote often on the Marketing for Scientists Facebook group.  So when I met Jim Austin, the editor of Science Careers, at the National Postdoctoral Association meeting this spring, I jumped at the chance to interview him. Jim earned a Ph.D. in physics from the University of…

  • Putting Science Back Into The Broader Culture: Interview with Jennifer Ouellette

    Scientists, The journalists I’ve interviewed so far may have painted jarring pictures of the decline of print science news and less-than-flattering portraits of the science blogosphere. But this week, I have for you an interview with a science writer and blogger known for her fresh view of the science communication world, her glamor and playfulness. Jennifer…