Links for Chapter 7. The Consumers of Science

Bloomberg Businessweek article about how Chipotle Mexican Grill attained vast success without traditional advertising. But not without marketing!
The former director of the National Science Foundation speaks about relationship building and about what it’s like to work at a science funding agency.
How To Manipulate The Media & Get Free Publicity With Creative Marketing Ideas
Jim Kukral’s story of how he woke up one morning and decided he wanted to be on television, and by golly, that evening he was on television.
Obama Kept Many Campaign Promises But Now Faces GOP Wall
NPR story where the words “help species adapt to climate change” prompt a giggle from host Steve Inskeep. About 3 minutes 30 seconds in.
Escape from the Ivory Tower: A Guide to Making Your Science Matter
In this book, Nancy Baron shares marketing ideas for scientists that she developed as part of the Aldo Leopold Leadership prgram.
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