Marketing for Scientists

Category: Open Science

  • Launching Disk Detective: A New Citizen Science Website

    Dear Colleagues, Last year, I made three science-marketing new years resolutions: clean my desk, spruce up my webpage, and launch a citizen science project. The desk and the webpage—let’s say they are still works in progress. But I am proud to say that this week is the launch of, a new citizen science project…

  • The Open Science Paradox

    This article was originally published in Scientific American. Scientists, I just read and enjoyed Reinventing Discovery: The New Era of Networked Science, a new book by Michael Nielsen, recently reviewed by Bora Zivkovic.  The book tells how science is undergoing a revolution where new global online collaborations face off against secretive old-school researchers and profit-hungry journal…

  • Hungry for Jobs and for Change, Scientists Join the Occupy Movement

    Traffic backed up along Baltimore’s inner harbor last week as protestors from the “Occupy” movement waved signs and shouted at the passing drivers. And among the protestors were scientists and science students, unhappy with their job prospects, their funding prospects, and the way science is viewed in America. I had heard about the protests on…